Thank you for taking the time to write a review and I’m sorry to hear you had a bad experience. At boxwood our policy has always been to make sure that every customer is clear about what they are purchasing before the transaction is finalized. In addition, to answering any customers questions so they are well informed about any of the merchandise we offer.
It seems you feel you’ve been treated unfairly and that somehow you were tricked. We can understand how you must feel really upset and angry. Normally we would say let’s stop everything and go back to where we started treating you unfairly and we’ll fix it. However, based on this review it doesn’t seem like we can reconcile your problems? This is the first time we’re seeing how displeased you were with our service in person as well as with the email response and the options we offered to try to help resolve your issues.
For any accusations we always ask to see evidence that supports someone's accusation so we’re able to see where we can rectify the problem. Unfortunately, the only thing we have to work with is your memory of what you think we said and our two emails. So to bring some context and clarify for future readers, The word 'miscommunication' was never used in any of the email correspondence. The email we sent stated; that there seems to be a “misunderstanding” because the email that was received by Boxwood from you stated, you expected an additional skateboard. So the receipt of your order was sent as a reminder to you for what you paid for.
Thank you again for your feedback, please reach out to me at if you would like to work out a resolution.
-Aaron H